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Certified Arborists Serving the Entire Central Coast of California.

Call Us Today for Better Tree Care

Tree Trimming
Ornamental Pruning
Tree Removal
Hazardous Tree Removal
Emergency Tree Removal
Stump Grinding

Locally-Owned and Environmentally

At Reddy Tree Care, we combine our steadfast dedication to environmental causes with our status as an experienced arborist to provide Santa Cruz, CA customers with superior services. You can see evidence of our outstanding work throughout the central coast of California. We are a locally-owned company, ensuring we have a vested interest in the health of our local ecosystem. Regardless of what you call us for, you can expect unparalleled customer service. More importantly, we can offer a higher level of expertise than our competitors due to our extensive training. We’ve got you covered on all your needs – from tree trimming to emergency tree removal.

guy standing on stump

We Provide a High Level of Personal Attention

We pride ourselves on fostering relationships with our customers through our people-focused approach. Our team understands our clients’ challenges and the solutions needed to resolve those difficulties. By providing more personal attention, we accomplish our goal of outstanding customer service. One perfect example is our owners’ presence on every job. He consults on every job and oversees an experienced team. He doesn’t just send a crew. Instead, he stays involved throughout every step of the process. His dedication to customer happiness is a massive driving force behind Reddy Tree Care’s success.

Place Your Trust in a Local Tree Specialist

Many tree trimming companies do not possess an experienced arborist. You should beware of working with companies like this. One thing that separates us from our competition is that our owner is an experienced arborist. Arborists have specialized training and a deeper understanding of how trees grow and function, enabling them to provide more comprehensive care. There is no better resource than a professional arborist when managing the trees on your property. Between our status as a company and our dedication to personalized solutions, there is no reason not to trust our team to care for your trees.